Sandbox Blog Article

What’s the point?
How is this going to help me with a class of kids who won’t talk or don’t want to learn?
Why should I do this?
How is this related to real teaching?

These are just a selection of questions people have raised about aspects of the Trinity Cert TESOL, either commenting on blogs or during information sessions. It’s not unreasonable as these questions are likely to come about through an absence of knowledge of and appreciation of the rationale and application of what is taught and practiced on the course.

  • Nulla tempus efficitur ligula, non pulvinar magna viverra et. 
  • Suspendisse tellus dui, molestie sed urna non, aliquet cursus sapien. 
  • Sed a elit vitae purus tempus tempor. 
  • Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 

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Curabitur finibus elit elit, in tristique dolor commodo in. Praesent nec posuere sem, eu convallis erat. Nulla fringilla ultrices odio ut porttitor. Aliquam venenatis ex lectus, quis placerat enim aliquam vitae. Morbi id mi nulla. Sed sed purus eget tortor rutrum vehicula in in diam. Aliquam venenatis nisi vitae arcu pulvinar vehicula. Aliquam porta ac neque quis laoreet. Nunc egestas justo vel scelerisque sodales.

About the Author

Dr Ezekiel Chattell

Dr Chattell has lived in China for nearly 10 years. His research focuses on experimental teacher training programmes related to encouraging creativity within teaching practice. His projects have included collaboration with the Centre for Teacher Education Research at Beijing Normal University, a key research institute of the Chinese Ministry of Education. He is a member of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong and currently serves as Head of Academic Training and Support for Drama and the Performing Arts for China at Trinity College London.

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