• Example Course Scroller

    Secondary Theme

    Example Course Scroller

    Secondary Theme

Two Column HTML Block, Template B

Demonstrating Template B in a two column block, including typographic features such as...

Short subheadings

  • And bullet lists in a two-column block
  • Balanced carefully by length

NB: You don't need to use a two column block to split text and images into two columns. This happens automatically on wider screens when you use a single column block (see above).

You can use block quotes in a two column layout like this.

Just make sure you balance the length of the content so the column breaks appear in the right place.

Now we'll move on to demonstrate the other more dynamic types of block.

Accordion Blocks (Course Content/FAQs)

Template A

Template B.

Testimonials Block, Template B

A testimonials block styled in Template B.

EFA English language training gave me the confidence to travel around the world.

Lori, EFA Student

Attended courses prior to gap year world travel

My business depends on international cooperation and understanding - EFA gives my staff with the essential language skills they need.

Zhang Yong, CEO Company Inc

Sends his staff and colleagues to EFA courses


Template A

  • 3 Dec 2021 - 9 Dec 2021
    Module 1

    How to demonstrate a Course Dates block

  • 3 Jan 2022 - 3 Feb 2022
    Section 2

    Adding examples to a Course Dates table

  • 3 Mar 2022 - 3 Apr 2022
    Phase Three

    Adding a third course date to a grid

  • 12 Mar 2021 - 13 Mar 2021
    Phase Four

    Adding a fourth course date to a grid

Template B

  • 3 Dec 2021 - 9 Dec 2021
    Module 1

    How to demonstrate a Course Dates block

  • 3 Jan 2022 - 3 Feb 2022
    Section 2

    Adding examples to a Course Dates table

  • 3 Mar 2022 - 3 Apr 2021
    Phase Three

    Adding a third course date to a grid

Tutors Block, Template B

Always enjoys a challenge

Jennie Fung

CertTESOL Trainer

Sharon Maloney

CertTESOL Trainer, DipTESOL Trainer

Avid gamer - loves card, video and board games

Heath Jeffery

CertTESOL Trainer

Alex Rubenstein

CertTESOL Trainer

Sharon Maloney

CertTESOL Trainer, DipTESOL Trainer

Icon Blocks

Template A


Add a subtitle descriptor like this


Add a subtitle descriptor like this. Hide on mobile


Add a subtitle descriptor like this


Add a subtitle descriptor like this. Hide on mobile

Template B


Short descriptor


Short descriptor


Short descriptor


Short descriptor

Process Blocks

Template A

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.

Create a Process Block

Give it a title, and an explanation, as above

Create up to 4 Sub Blocks

Give each a short descriptor like this

Add an Optional Button

Add a button to any sub-block, with any text

Link the Button

You can use any URL for the button to link to.

Template B

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.

Create a Process Block

Give it a title, and an explanation, as above

Create up to 4 Sub Blocks

Give each a short descriptor like this

Add an Optional Button

Add a button to any sub-block, with any text

Link the Button

You can use any URL for the button to link to.

Tables, Template A

To create a table use a single col HTML block and press the insert table button, which is in the toolbar of the rich text editor.

- Header  Header
Header  B
Column 1 2
Here x y


Tables, Template B

To create a table use a single col HTML block and press the insert table button, which is in the toolbar of the rich text editor.

- Header  Header
Header  B
Column 1 2
Here x y


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